
Disability support

Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world with a population of about 160 million squeezed in an area of 147,570 squire kilometre. Poverty is wide spread with a low per capita income of about US $ 421. Approximately 41% of the population live below poverty line while 19% in extreme poverty.

Article 21 (2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948, states:
"Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country

Despite this, disabled people in Bangladesh face immense difficulties in accessing services, facilities and opportunities. There are a number of reasons behind the poor accessibility in Bangladesh; however, probably the root of the problem is lack of awareness of disability and the needs of disabled people. This results in disabled people being marginalized and excluded from mainstream society. They are rarely consulted or considered when planning infrastructure or services. Without understanding disability and the needs of disabled people the situation cannot radically improve - to solve a problem it Accessibility is often seen only in terms of physical infrastructure. It is obvious that many disabled people are not able to enter buildings, cross busy roads, get on or off buses or trains or use public facilities. Thus, one can say that disabled people are denied access to transport and freedom of movement.
However, the problem extends beyond that which is immediately apparent. If a disabled person cannot travel to or enter a health complex he or she is also denied healthcare. If the same applies to educational institutions he or she is denied access to an education. If the same applies to a workplace he or she is denied access to a source of income.
Even if a building is designed to enable a disabled person to enter, his or her mobility may still be restricted. Light switches may be out of reach, sinks and mirrors too high, lifts and ramps unavailable or doorways too narrow to pass through.

Additionally, even if a disabled person is educated, healthy and qualified to do a job, the prevailing attitudes to disability will often prevent him or her being considered for that post. The same can be said of training and financial or credit opportunities.Accessibility in all its forms remains a matter of equal rights and opportunities.

Disability is one of the vital problems of Bangladesh. Owing to malnourished mothers, ill health, lack of minimum medical facilities, rate of disability is higher that any other areas of Bangladesh and at the same time the neighbor countries. Belonging to the poor parents and families, the people with disability lead their lives in a miserable condition. Unfortunately Bangladesh Govt. initiatives for the disabled peoples are hardly available while NGOs and civil societies do not have adequate programs for them. Considering the situation, H & K has undertaken an initiative to promote the livelihood, their rights, easy living and economic self sufficiency of the people with disability.

2.0 National Scenario: Since no comprehensive study has been undertaken to determine the incidence and prevalence of impairment and disability, it cannot be ascertained the prevalence rate of disability in Bangladesh. But it is believed that the prevalence rate would be higher than the WHO’s projected global number of 10% for reasons relating to wide spread poverty, illiteracy, overpopulation, lack of awareness and above all lack of medical care and services. However, H & Kconducted a study on disability in some selected areas which reveals that 21% of the population is disabled in one way or another and this result is closer to the estimate of the WHO’s projected global number of 10%. The total population with disability in Bangladesh on the estimates of the WHO is about 14 million. The vast majority of these people are not only poor but among the poorest of the poor. Poverty and disability reinforce one another contributing to vulnerability and exclusion. They do not have access to the basic human needs. They are kept away from the mainstream society.

3.0 Rationale of the Project: In Bangladesh as in many other countries, the disabled persons are often looked upon as a burden on the society and are unable to become productive members of the society. In the past, the disability related issues have been ignored widely both by the Govt. and the NGOs. Currently they are being recognized as a cross cutting development issues and also are gradually being seen more as an issue of right than charity. In order to enhance socio-economic development, the country cannot afford to leave these segments of people out of the development process. Planned development is neither possible nor desirable without comprehensive and sensible programme for all section of people. And so such gainful economic activities for the disadvantaged group of population is one of the expressed objectives of the current five year plan of the government.

Keeping this in view and with the aims to provide appropriate and gainful services to the underprivileged specially the disabled people H & K has planned to undertake the proposed project.

4.0 Project Objectives: To establish, run and implement a community based sustainable disable friendly program in order to provide support to empower the people with disability in attaining rights, opportunities, livelihood, easy movement, access to everywhere, social reputation and economic self-sufficiency where priority will be given to disabled women.

5.0 The specific objectives of the project are to:
  1. To identify and quantify the number of disabled persons in the locality through baseline survey.
  2. To ensure free and safe accessibility of disabled persons everywhere.
  3. To ensure their easy and free movement.
  4. To create awareness among the mass community in order to create positive attitude towards disabled people.
  5. To distribute assistive devices among the disabled people to make their living easier & smooth.
  6. To provide skill training to disabled and their family members to create self employment among them.
  7. To provide financial and rehabilitative support to increase their family income.
  8. To make publicity of national disability roles and its effectiveness.
  9. To help them to avail medical facilities from local GO/NGO hospitals & clinics.
6.0 Overviews of the activities:
  1. Baseline survey: A baseline survey will be conducted in the project area to identify the actual number and range of disabled people. A data base will be prepared and edited and finally published among the relevant authorities. Measures will be taken according to the finding of the survey.
  2. Distribution of assistive devices: Almost each of the disabled people belongs to very poor family and they don’t have the capacity to afford necessary assistive devices to their disables. They led a very troublesome life physically. They can not easily more and work elsewhere for why they are considered as the burden of their families. For this reason, the targeted disabled persons will be provided good quality of wheel chair free of cost which will make them easy and comfortable to move.
  3. Awareness building on disability issues: To make the local people properly aware about their roles in disability and responsibility in caring the disabled persons, mass publicity and campaign will be run through distributing posters, leaflets, booklets and also through seminar, symposium, idea sharing events and publicity through paper and electronic media. Workshop will be arranged at different locations to attach the important peoples in the movement. Local Govt. representatives and civil societies will be involved in the process.
  4. Skill and professional training: Specific oriented training will be imparted to selected disabled peoples to raise their skills so that they can be involved in productive activities. Working opportunities will also be created for them through providing limited financial assistance and technical assistance. Lobbying and advocacy will be running for providing more work opportunity for disabled persons. Teacher should training because of their teaching on disability issue.
  5. Treatment & medical help: Some disabled persons would need specific medical treatment. They don’t have financial capacity to bear the cost of that treatment. It will refer and recommend disabled patients to GO/NGO medical centers for free treatment.
  6. Social mobilization: H&K will mobilize the society in order to increase the accessibility and entrance of the disabled persons in everywhere for their interest. It will also work for creating positive attitude towards the disabled people so that they can lead easy and meaningful life both in family in the society.
  7. Targeted Project Beneficiaries:
The project will target the following principal beneficiaries:
Male, female, adolescent and child disable persons who need this support.

8.0 Outcomes of the Project: Following results are expected to be achieved at the end of the project:
Free movement of the disabled persons will be ensured ,Access to resources and rights everywhere will be created for the disabled. Awareness of mass people regarding disability and positive attitude will be created. Daily life of the disabled people will be easier by the assistive devices they will be given by the project. Family income of the disabled persons will be enhanced through income generating activities & skill training. Broader prospect for disabled people will be introduced.

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