
On Going Programs

Ramadan Program

Ramadan is a heart-touching month for Muslims around the world. It is a time to reflect, repent, and seek blessings from Allah.

Winter cloth distribution

To reduce cold related sufferings of old women and men of extremely poor families and orphans due to cold wave.

Zabiha Program

Share the blessings of Eid-Ul-Adha with Orphans, Flood affected people, Widows, and Poor families

Orphan Support

The project aims to support some orphans to realize their basic rights through providing education and other facilities.

#Orphan Support

The plights of poor and needy orphan girls and boys know no bounds. Orphan boys and girls are helpless every way: no father, no responsible guardian, no education, no assurance of food, clothing, and shelter, and as such, no future.

How can you Help?

Send Donation

Contribute in our mission to breaking the cycle of poverty through education.

Become Volunteer

Join our Volunteer platform and let us rebuild the nation.

Sponsor An Orphan

Support an orphan’s monthly education cost and help build an enlightened community.

#Scholarship program

The project methodology has been developed based on the existing strengths of H&K Scholarship Scheme in the area. H&K has performed the following specific core activities under the project.


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Latest News


Orphan Support Program

Dec 15, 2020 Haluaghat, Mymensingh

The project is to support some orphans to meet their basic rights to enhance their capacity to fight back. As it is impossible to take care of all the liabilities of the children.


Merits Education Scholarship Program

Nov 09, 2020 Ghatail, Tangail

The project methodology has been developed based on the existing strengths of H&K Scholarship Scheme in the area. H&K has performed the following specific core activities under the project:

Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future.